Aicox will be in charge of modernizing the equipment of the Integrated External Surveillance System (SIVE) in the Strait of Gibraltar area

The Civil Guard has awarded Aicox Soluciones, in a joint venture with Telefónica, a contract of 28.6 million euros for the modernization of the equipment of the Integrated External Surveillance System (SIVE) in the area of ​​the Strait…

Aicox will supply satellite terminals for land and naval platforms to the MoD

The Spanish company Aicox Soluciones has been awarded two important contracts for the supply of satellite communications terminals and associated systems for the Ministry of Defense.   Specifically, these are two of the lots of the framework…

SATCOM Jammer, Universal Jammer Targeted at Attacks on Satellites

Defense chooses Aicox Soluciones in the area of RF directed energy systems with the proposal "SATCOM Jammer, Universal Jammer Directed at Attacks on Satellites" that has been carried out by our R&D department, together with its technological…

VCR 8×8 Dragón, the expected armored vehicle on wheels of the Army for its brigade of the future

The Spanish Army has begun to receive its new 8x8 Dragon Combat Vehicle on Wheels (VCR), a platform that will be the backbone of its future Brigade 35. After years of waiting, this Tuesday the first seven units of the sapper version of the…

Defense closes urgently with Telefónica and Aicox the purchase of radios for missions for 36 million. €

The teams will go on deployments of the Armed Forces in NATO operations on the border with Russia. The Ministry of Defense has just closed with the companies Telefónica and Aicox the acquisition of V/UHF SDR (software-defined) radios…


AICOX SOLUCIONES, SA, has received a grant for the execution of the Title Project "DEVELOPMENT OF A NOVEL AUDIOVISUAL CONTENT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM USING BLOCKCHAIN BDS TECHNOLOGY" and file number 2020/0720/00099949.   I am aware that the…