The contract will modernize around thirty stations of this model

The Spanish Army has commissioned a temporary union of companies formed by Aicox and RF to integrate new CIS equipment (communications and information) in some thirty Soria stations, installed on Vamtac SOTM (Satcom On The Move) vehicles, for an amount almost three million euros.

The contract seeks to make the leap to what is known as the Soria type 4 station, fundamentally characterized by incorporating the communications managers Gescomet, VMI, and a soundproof generator set integrated into the platform, according to the Army itself.

The Soria station is the main communications hub of the mobile command post and provides support in any tactical situation. It is equipped with different transmission equipment: satellite communications on the move through the Spanish Military Satellite Communications System (Secomsat) and several military and civil communications systems (VHF/UHF, HF, satellite, Inmarsat…).

The winning companies will be in charge of the engineering design, the supply of the equipment; hardware and software installation and configuration work and validation; the necessary transformations in the 30 SOMT Vamtac vehicles (Vamtac S3 and ST5 model); the supply of spare parts and tools for maintenance; staff training; and the final homologation of the modified vehicles.

The contract budget is almost three million euros -2,968,533 euros, taxes included-, divided into three annuities (2022, 2023 and 2024). The estimated value amounts to 3.3 million by including a possible extension for one more year. The Headquarters of Economic Affairs of the Army Logistics Support Command (MALE) selected the offer from Aicox and RF for being the best in terms of quality and price, according to the award announcement.

Up to eight companies submitted offers. The joint venture made up of Aicox and RF competed in the final phase of the contest with the company JPG.